Sunday, August 19, 2012

What about Humans

I would like to make a few posts on what I feel about last 3,000 generations of Humans, like how did Humans achieve our current status. I believe the first Humans to be close to being called Humans. Started around 40,000 bce. 3,000 generations ago.

Some important discoveries before 40,000 bce.


You could grab blades of grass, leaves, or maybe various sizes of vines. Give them a twist while adding more material, keep twisting and you will end up with twine, or string, which is the most important discovery for Humans. Everything you can possibly need has string (thread) involved in it.

However do you know which material to make string from? You can bet Humans before 3,000 generations ago did not. There are some dangerous plants that are very bad to Humans to be handling without protection. But the serious problem with Toxic plants for string material that the whole tribe would be involved into string production. And having the toxins spreading into food preparations and goods, which would be used in trade for other tribes.

Tying material together for garments like; cold weather garments, severe environments, and larger transport packs for trade goods and food stocks. So strings in a tribe would increase a tribe’s prosperity.
I will post more later.

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